Bert van Manen, LNP candidate for Forde, has invited local businesses and residents from across the community to join him at the Forde Local Jobs Forum.
“I look forward to the participation of businesses, employment placement companies, training organisations and residents from across our community.
Together with hard work, innovation and dedication we can make the Forde region a vibrant business hub again.” Mr van Manen said.
“As a former local small business operator I know what it takes to create real jobs. I know how hard it is on businesses when costs go up because of Labor’s carbon tax, changes to fringe benefits tax and red tape.”
Mr van Manen noted that under Labor and since 2008 at least 109 local businesses have gone bust and up to 1,800 more local people are out of work. Additionally, unemployment has jumped from 3.84 per cent to 5.8 per cent.
“The Coalition will lay the foundation for local businesses to thrive. If elected a Coalition government will reduce company tax, reduce red tape, invest in improved access from the Gateway Motorway and restore business confidence.” Mr van Manen said.
“Small business is the engine room of local and national employment, and only a strong and united Coalition team can deliver stable government and the conditions necessary for local businesses to thrive.”
“I want to work with business and community leaders to secure more jobs and healthier businesses in Forde. Join me as I host the Forde Local Jobs Forum, which is part of my local plan for jobs and a stronger local economy.”
For details to attend the Forde Local Jobs Forum: please contact my office on 3807 6340