The protection of 800 local jobs was the focus of a meeting today in Beenleigh between the Federal Member for Forde, Bert van Manen MP, the Deputy Leader of the Opposition and Shadow Minister for Foreign Affairs and Trade, the Hon. Julie Bishop MP and Teys Australia.
In the past seven years Teys Australia has been hit hard with the increased cost of processing cattle at their plant in Beenleigh.
On top of these increases, General Manager Corporate Affairs of Teys, Tom Maguire says the carbon tax has directly impacted their business making it even more difficult to compete internationally.
“Our international competitors don’t have to factor in the Rudd Government’s carbon tax which has dramatically increased the price of electricity and natural gas as well as impacting directly on Beenleigh’s operations, said Mr Maguire.
Mr van Manen says he is concerned about the future of local employees given the impact poor government policy has had on the local abattoir.
“The cost increases in the past seven years are staggering,” said Mr van Manen.
“¢ Electricity increased by 171%
“¢ Natural gas increased by 307%
“¢ Water charges increased by 340%
“¢ Effluent charges increased by 205%
“This has resulted in the cost of processing cattle to increase from $257 a head seven years ago to over $ 300 today.”
“When a business has to balance these increases into their budget and compete on an uneven platform it reduces the ability to pay wage increases to staff and is detrimental to the creation of jobs,” said Mr van Manen.
Ms Bishop said Labor’s failure to progress negotiations has put Australian exporters at a competitive disadvantage.
“If elected, the Coalition will seek to conclude as a matter of priority, free trade agreements with China South Korea and Japan.
A Coalition Government will strengthen Australia’s economy, freeing up business to create jobs.