Nightlight Outreach Inc will shine its light further than ever before thanks to a grant from the Federal Government.
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Federal Member for Forde Bert van Manen today delivered $12,000 to the community organisation, which works every week to feed homeless or struggling families.
The organisation recently received the good news it had been a successful applicant in Round Three of the Federal Government’s Stronger Communities Programme.
Mr van Manen said the organisation was a beacon of hope for many local families.
“I am overjoyed to have been able to deliver this support for Nightlight, which provides an indispensable service locally,” he said.
“Nightlight’s fully equipped street van goes out into our community, rain, hail or shine to provide food, support and love to those in need.
“This funding will assist the organisation in purchasing a new van and hot food carrier boxes, which will expand its reach in our community, meaning more needy families will be attended to.
“I want to thank all involved at Nightlight for the incredible work they do. They are truly deserving of this support.”
The Stronger Communities Programme supports the Australian Government’s commitment to help deliver social benefits in communities across Australia.
For more information on Nightlight visit