Bert van Manen is encouraging Forde residents to reflect on the gift of organ and tissue donation in the lead up DonateLife Thank You Day on Sunday 19 November.
“In communities across Australia, including here in Forde, thousands of Australians lives are saved and transformed each year thanks to the generosity of living and deceased organ and tissue donors and their families,” said Mr van Manen.
“Thank You Day is a day for all Australians to consider showing their support to those who give others a second chance at life by joining the Australian Organ Donor Register at,” said Mr van Manen.
Residents are also encouraged to create and share a #ThankYouDay message of thanks to all donors and their families on social media.
Currently, around 1,300 Australians and their families are on waitlists for a life-saving transplant. A further 12,000 Australians are on dialysis, many of whom would benefit from a kidney transplant.
“The generous act of organ and tissue donation has a far reaching effect, with the potential to transform the lives of transplant recipients and their families.
This Thank You Day, Australians are being urged to register their donation decision on the online Australian Organ Donor Register, and to discuss their decision with loved ones.
“Registration is important because it leaves the family in no doubt of their loved ones’ wishes,” said Mr van Manen.
Organ and tissue donation is the ultimate gift – just one organ and tissue donor can transform the lives of more than ten people.
DonateLife Thank You Day is part of the Organ and Tissue Authority’s National Community Awareness and Education Program.
For more information about DonateLife Thank You Day and how you can get involved, please visit thank-you-day
Bert van Manen is inspiring Forde residents to register as organ and tissue donors in the spirit of DonateLife Thank You Day.