A nationwide small business roadshow will be stopping in Forde on May 16 to offer local small business owners the opportunity to find out how they can take advantage of the Federal Government’s support.
Federal Member for Forde Bert van Manen MP said the Government was on a nationwide roadshow to listen to small business’ ideas and help inform local businesses on what support was on offer.
“Small business drives local economies, especially in the south east Queensland region, which is why I am excited to bring this opportunity to small businesses in my electorate of Forde,” Mr van Manen said.
“This is a great opportunity to hear from the Small Business Minister Michael McCormack, as well as senior representatives from the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission, the Australian Small Business and Family Enterprise Ombudsman, as well as the Australian Tax Office.”
The Small Business Roadshow details are:
Tuesday, May 16 2017
Beenleigh PCYC Federation Hall
20-38 Alamein Street, Beenleigh
RSVP to bert.vanmanen.mp@aph.gov.au or 3807 6340 by Friday, May 12.
A handy new, simple, filtering tool has also been launched to allow small business owners to find tailored information based on their interest and circumstances. Find out more by visiting https://www.business.gov.au/smallbusiness