The Australian Government has committed $96.3 million to upgrading Exit 41 and Exit 49 on the M1 Pacific Motorway. This is a terrific project which will improve accessibility, connectivity and productivity, safety and travel times. However under the current plan, all residents around this exit will have to travel through the commercial industrial areas and two sets of traffic lights to get home. I am joining with Michael Crandon, the State Member for Coomera, and Mark Hammel, Division 1 Councillor for the Gold Coast, to call on the State Government to alter the road design (as below) to make it easier for residents of Norfolk Village to get to and from their homes each day.
I am calling on local residents to sign a petition calling on the State Government to change the design to create an additional, dedicated slip lane from the northbound Exit 41 to Norfolk Village. The petition link is here: please note the closing date is 13/06/21.
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