The pledge was signed during the Forde Veterans’ Forum where local ex-servicemen and family members were given the opportunity to speak up about issues affecting the veteran community now and into the future.
This was the second veterans’ forum hosted by Mr van Manen and attended by Senator Ronaldson, giving local veterans the chance to have their say about issues affecting local veterans and their families.
Mr van Manen explained that the issue of fair indexation is one of, if not the highest, priority of the local ex-service community.
“Local veterans have been fighting for fair indexation and that is why I have made a commitment today, signing the pledge in front of the local veteran community for this reform to be delivered,” said Mr van Manen.
“In signing the pledge today I add my name to that of the Opposition Leader, Tony Abbott, Senator Ronaldson and other colleagues across Australia.”
If elected, the Coalition will deliver fair indexation to DFRB and DFRDB military superannuants aged 55 and over from 1 July next year.
During his address, Senator Ronaldson talked about how disappointing it was to see legislation fail on previous attempts since the 2010 election.
“Two years ago the fair indexation bill was defeated in the Senate by just one vote and more recently this year attempts to introduce fair indexation were blocked by the Labor Government.”