INNOVATIVE programs designed to support more than 215 cultures in Logan inspired a visit today by the Federal Parliamentary Secretary responsible for Multicultural Affairs and Settlement Services.
Forde MP, Bert van Manen invited the Parliamentary Secretary to the Minister for Social Services, Senator The Hon. Concetta Fierravanti-Wells to Logan to showcase several organisations exceling in supporting migrants into their new community.
Forde MP, Bert van Manen invited the Parliamentary Secretary to the Minister for Social Services, Senator The Hon. Concetta Fierravanti-Wells to Logan to showcase several organisations exceling in supporting migrants into their new community.
During the tour, van Manen and the Senator met with a number of migrants to hear their personal stories about settling into Logan.
“We heard a number of inspiring stories from migrants who had been supported by these services,” said van Manen.
“It was moving to hear some of these people’s dreams now include becoming doctors, nurses and aged carers to give back to the community.”
“The biggest issue for migrant’s settling into Logan is overcoming language barriers and the common goal of our service providers is to address this,” he said.
“These people can contact specific organisations that offer assistance to migrants including, in home aged care, employment and training, housing and social groups,” he said.
“All of the people we met with today have impressed us with their innovative thinking and commitment to improving the lives of migrants in Logan.”
“Logan is one of Queensland’s most diverse locations and almost 45 per cent of the people living here are born overseas; so it is crucial we have appropriate services which deal with some of the challenges migrants face when re-settling into a new community,” said Mr van Manen.
The Senator accompanied Mr van Manen to a number of local organisations passionate about improving integration services for migrants including:
• Multilink,
• Access Community Services,
• Multicultural Youth Queensland (MYQ)
• the Logan City Councils City of Choice Leadership Team,
• Beenleigh State School,
• the Beenleigh PCYC Two Tribes Program,
• the Mixed Beans Multicultural Choir; and
• Logan Residents Care Inc
• Access Community Services,
• Multicultural Youth Queensland (MYQ)
• the Logan City Councils City of Choice Leadership Team,
• Beenleigh State School,
• the Beenleigh PCYC Two Tribes Program,
• the Mixed Beans Multicultural Choir; and
• Logan Residents Care Inc
Senator Fierravanti-Wells commended the work of the organisations. “Can I particularly commend the many volunteers I met who are clearly passionate about ensuring our new arrivals are welcomed and supported,” said the Senator.
“The Federal Government is committed to building stronger more cohesive communities,” she said.
“It is important to build the long term capacities for higher need communities through sustainable programs that build on community partnerships, such as some of those I saw today,” Senator Fierravanti-Wells concluded.