What does a Federal Member do?
As your Federal Member of Parliament, Bert has a number of roles to play. Bert can act as an advocate for you and residents in the community. If there is an issue of concern with a Federal Government agency or department, Bert can act on your behalf and make representations to the relevant Minister or Government Agency.
In Parliament, a Federal Member can debate new legislation that is being introduced and raise issues that are relevant to the Forde community in the Parliament. Bert also often highlights the many great community organisations and events in Forde in Parliament.
Each speech that Bert makes in Parliament is recorded by Hansard. You can read Bert’s contributions to the Parliament by visiting Bert’s Speeches page, or visiting Hansard
When does Parliament sit?
Federal Parliament follows an annual sitting roster which is available here. When Parliament is ‘sitting’, Bert is in Australian Parliament House in Canberra. When Parliament is not sitting Bert works out of his electorate office in Beenleigh. Bert is also often out and about visiting with community groups and residents in Forde.
Is the public allowed to visit Parliament?
Most schools schedule tours of Australian Parliament House as part of the school curriculum and the general public is more than welcome to visit Parliament House and watch Parliament in action. Question time is at 2pm each sitting day and all Members of Parliament are present at that time. Free and paid tours of Parliament House can be arranged.