We are living through a once-in-a-lifetime pandemic and we have outperformed the world in our health and economic response. Our JobKeeper payment set the groundwork for the recovery.- supporting 7,400 businesses and 27,400 employees in Forde to help them through the crisis. This Budget ensures we secure the recovery through job creation and the guarantee of essential services.
Our boost to childcare funding means that around 2380 local families will be better off by an average of $2200. And more than 70% of Forde income earners will receive tax relief – $1080 for singles and up to $2160 for a couple. (You can estimate your tax cut by clicking on the button below.)
As well as creating security for working families in Forde, we have a suite of packages aimed at protecting the vulnerable. We’ve allocated $1.1 billion to end domestic violence. We have provided a $2.3 billion package of services for mental health providers like headstart in Meadowbrook and Upper Coomera, and $17.7 billion to ensure older Australians are treated with respect, care and dignity. Women’s health is being supported with an investment of $354 million over the next four years, including funding for cervical and breast cancer, endometriosis and reproductive health. Having endured so much over the past year, keeping everyone safe is a key focus of this government.
This year’s budget is about jobs and our economic recovery and keeping Australians safe.
To read more about the initiatives this Budget will deliver for our community, please click the link below, or to learn more in person – please come to one of my Budget Roadshow events next week (details below).
If you have a question about any of these budget measures or would like to have a chat, please come along to one of my 2021 Budget road show events near you. I look forward to seeing you there!
- Tuesday 18 May (Mobile Office) 9.15 – 10.15am – Carvers Reach Park, Cnr Carvers Way & Park Ridge Rd, Park Ridge
- Tuesday 18 May (Mobile Office) 2.30 – 3.30pm – Brien Harris Oval, Peachey Rd, Ormeau
- Tuesday 18 May (Budget Information Session*) 5.30 – 7.30pm – The Youth Space, Upper Coomera Centre, 90 Reserve Rd, Upper Coomera
- Wednesday 19 May (Mobile Office) 9.15am – 10.15am – Eagleby Shopping Centre, Fryar Rd, Eagleby
- Thursday 20 May (Small Business Expo) 10am – 4pm – Mt Warren Indoor Sports Centre, Mt Warren
- Thursday 20 May (Mobile Office) 2.30pm – 3.30pm – Cornubia Shopping Centre, Cnr Bryants Rd & Redland Bay Rd, Loganholme
- Friday 21 May (Mobile Office) 9.30am – 10.30am – Ibis Park, Ibis St, Loganlea,
* Please note, bookings are essential for the Budget Information Sessions in Coomera and the Electorate Office. Email: bert.vanmanen.mp@aph.gov.au to secure your spot.
Be sure to follow our Facebook page for any added locations.