Tuesday, 12 October 2011
Bert van Manen MP flew to Canberra this week to vote against Labor’s toxic carbon tax legislation in Parliament.
The 18 pieces of legislation, which were passed through Parliament on Wednesday will be rubber-stamped in the Senate before coming into effect on July 1, 2012.
Bert van Manen said he is “deeply concerned” about the effect Gillard’s ‘not under the government I lead’ carbon tax will have on the manufacturing industry in Forde.
“The biggest industry in Forde is the manufacturing industry,” Mr van Manen said. “It accounts for almost 15 per cent of total employment, which is well above the average for the state and Australia.
“Labor’s carbon tax will hurt manufacturers in Forde who are already struggling under Labor’s financial mismanagement.
“We will be at a distinct disadvantage by introducing a carbon tax on our manufacturing industries, or industry in general, when other countries with which we compete don’t do the same thing.
“Labor’s carbon tax will cause job losses, plant closures, and plants going overseas. It will have a devastating economic effect.
“I am committed to focusing on jobs in Forde, and I remain committed to dropping the carbon tax, which will be toxic for the homeowners, renters, builders and manufacturers in Forde,” Mr van Manen said.
Labor’s carbon tax will price carbon at $23 per tonne, which will lead to a 10 per cent increase in electricity bills and a 9 per cent increase in gas bills in the first year alone.
Households in Forde will also be forced to pay an extra $120 per year for groceries.
“The most outrageous thing about Labor’s carbon tax is that the suffering of workers and families in Forde will be for nothing – Australia’s emissions will actually increase under the carbon tax. The Passing of the Carbon Tax bills brings a dark cloud to the future of this country” concluded Mr van Manen.