My Ormeau is one of several successful community organisations to receive funding under Round 1 of the Australian Government’s Stronger Communities Programme.
Federal Member for Forde, Bert van Manen MP said My Ormeau would receive $20,000 for their Community Events Parenting Room project.
“Every year My Ormeau offer a special parenting room at the annual Ormeau Fair,” Mr van Manen said.
“It is a fantastic family friendly event. Nicole Hintz and the team at My Ormeau offer a tremendous service to people with young children by setting up a proper parenting room.
“It allows families to be able to stay and enjoy their day for longer, without worrying about where to find a private space for their young ones.”
Mr van Manen said the Australian Government is providing $45 million over two years through the Stronger Communities Programme to fund small capital projects in local communities.
“This programme will deliver $150,000 per year for two years to my electorate of Forde,” Mr van Manen said.
“Projects awarded funding must deliver social benefits to the community and contribute to our community’s long term vibrancy and viability.”