Transcript from Hansard
I wish to touch on the issue of childhood obesity. A recent UniSA study found that youngsters’ mobility is jeopardised by obesity, even with simple tasks.
It is sad to think that young children are being put behind the eight ball, so to speak, so early in their lives. It is well known that childhood obesity has serious consequences, far more serious than lack of mobility. For example, childhood obesity can lead to adult obesity, cardiovascular disease, cancer, infertility, type 2 diabetes, joint problems, sleep apnoea, emotional and social problems such as bullying, low self-esteem and depression and other disorders.
We really need to start treating the cause of these conditions rather than just the symptoms. I question whether it is time to review some of the long-held beliefs that we have had around the nutritional guidelines that have been in place for many years, which we keep rolling out but which never seem to get any results and the problems just seem to get worse. We need a plan that will improve the health outcomes for our future generations. A healthier nation will result in less strain on our health system and will give our children the best possible start in life.
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