“In 2007 Kevin Rudd promised there would be NO changes to the private health rebates.”
“He promised this in writing to the Chief Executive of the Australian Health Insurance Association.”
According a report by the respected consulting firm Deloitte, it is estimated:
- 1.6 million Consumers will walk away from private health insurance and a further 4.3 million downgrading their cover.
- A further 2.8 million dropping general cover ( for example dental)
- A rise in private health premiums of 10 percent more than what would otherwise be expected – making it less affordable
- A rise in the number of patients needing to be treated in public hospitals – In total an addition 845,000 patients to be admitted to these hospitals over the next five years.
“This is very concerning. One of the biggest issues with a mass exodus of the private health insurance is that it will put unbearable strain on our existing public health services including the Logan Hospital.”
“This is politics of envy at play that seeks to rob the rich to help the poor – Its time for the Health Minister to hang up the green tights and pack away the bow and arrow and leave the private health insurance rebate alone.”
“Labor are pushing these reforms as a win“win but I see it as a lose“lose for the individuals and families living in my electorate and around the country.”
“I will not support this legislation”